
Sunday 27 April 2003

Oxlow Caverns, Derbyshire

Had a nice day out with Jim on Sunday, visiting cafes, tea shops, garden centres, book shops and tackle shops, we even managed to fit in a couple of hours underground.

We spent our time underground practicing rigging, hauling and generally rearranging our SRT rigs.

Oxlow third pitch seen from East Chamber.

Present: JC, JD & BM

Monday 21 April 2003

Swildons Hole, Priddy, Mendips

The short round trip through the Mud Sumps and the Troubles, down Blue Pencil Passage up to Sump Four and finally out through Sump One. Lovely and moist! Just the thing to clean the caving gear off after the previous weekend's trip.

Paul Smithson strips off to pass the Birthday Squeeze.

Keith Edwards going through one of the Troubles.

Present: BM, KE & PS.

Sunday 13 April 2003

Ogof Cnwc, Llangattock Escarpment, South Wales

An eventful 7 hour trip involving broken ladders, loose boulders, loads of obstacles and a liberal coating of mud.

Even a mud pack does not improve Paul's appearance.

One of the main passages in Busman's Holiday.

Keith emerges after 7 hours underground.

Present: BM, KE & PS.

Saturday 12 April 2003

Jug Holes and Carlswalk Cavern, Derbyshire

Arranged for provisional members, Paul Bradley and Mike Noble.

Jug Holes was chosen because it has a short pitch for them to practise SRT work on which they both enjoyed (we think) - after getting over there initial fears.
Carlswalk was chosen for an insight of a natural water worn cave which was not as wet as some of us hoped for!!!

Present: PA, PB, AG & MN

Wednesday 2 April 2003

Top Church Dudley

A mission to try and locate a missing bell.

John Smith removing the rubbish in the bell tower.

Present: KE & JS