
Saturday, 29 January 2005

Cwm Dwr, Penwyllt, South Wales

After a day's digging new member Chris still wanted a caving trip so Brendan was pressed into taking him on an evening trip into Cwm Dwr. They were underground for over three and a half hours and covered most of the major routes in the system. Chris still managed another day's digging on the Sunday! 

Present: BMa & CWe

Brickworks Dig, Penwyllt, South Wales

During the most successful digging weekend ever another ten feet of passage was added to the system.  See the Club Dig page for details.

Pete removing a boulder.

Present:  PAn (Sun only), MBo (Sun only), MCa  (Sun only), JDu (Sun only), KEd, BMa, MNo (Sun only), GSm, JSm, ASt & CWe

Sunday, 16 January 2005

Box Freestone Quarries, Box, Wiltshire

In and out via the Backdoor Entrance visiting Crane Country.

Present:  MBa, RBr, MCl, JEd, KEdEPo & CWe + other invited guests.

Sunday, 2 January 2005

OFD 2, Penwyllt, South Wales

A trip to Northern Lights. We managed to get a little further than last time (March 2004), but there are still a few leads left to follow.

Colin Jennings in Peat's Playground.

Present:  JCa, KEd, CJe & BMa