
Sunday 30 September 2007

Basic SRT training

Some basic SRT training was provided by Mike and Emma at Total Access, including going up, going down and changeovers. 

Jessica at a re-belay being supervised by Emma

Those who took part: MiCl, EmPo, AnGr, HeSi, JeHa & JaHa

Saturday 15 September 2007

Brickworks Dig, Penwyllt, South Wales

We have started to back-fill some of the passage as well as removing the railway track from the main sump pool and partially filled it in. The dig is now about 3 feet longer - we have begun to dig out below the arch that we discovered last time. It is also a few feet deeper. More details on the dig page. 

The Dig Team - Sunday 16th September 2007
Left to Right - Chris Webb, Keith Edwards (rear), Heather Simpson, Derek Robertson, John Smith

The dig team: KeEd, BrMa, DeRo, HeSi (Sun only), JoSm & ChWe + Piers from SWCC (Sat only)

Saturday 1 September 2007

Tunnel Cave and OFD 2, South Wales

Chris and myself took the opportunity to join the WBCRT practice in Tunnel Cave. Four hours were spent bringing a casualty through the cave and then out of the show cave. After having ice cream and tea, Chris and myself headed up to Top Entrance to search out and explore the Bedding Chambers.

Chris views the formations in Shale Chamber.

See more OFD 2 photos here 

The Team: BrMa & ChWe