Saturday 25 October 2003

OFD 2 to 1 through trip, Penwyllt, South Wales

Everyone turned up in wet-suits and neo-fleeces except no one had thought to tell the novice (Seb) who only has dry gear, that it was a wet trip.
We decided to go downstream for a change which meant two knackering walks up-hill, and it was a little bit more than the standard through trip, we took in Top Waterfalltoo.  On the way back from Top Waterfall we found the way up into the lower end of Pendulum Passage.
Keith fell off the climb up into the Great Oxbow but survived without so much as a scratch.
All of this was done in a mere 5¼ hours.

Present: SBa, JCa, KEd, CJe & BMa

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