
Sunday 11 June 2006

Caves of the Clydach Gorge, South Wales

We headed to the lay-by above Nant Rhin and scrambled down to the stream.  I could see from the road that there'd been a bit of a mud/rock slide. The nice new entrance to Nant Rhin seemed to have partially collapsed and was half blocked with rubble, including a couple of small dislodged scaffold bars sticking out of a pile of rocks in front!  I shifted a bit of the rubble out of the way, and went in to have a quick look as far as the streamway. Just inside, the boards and scaffolding are still intact and solid, and beyond that, the cave 'proper' is fine, but I think a lot more rubble and mud will wash down in front of the entrance next time it rains heavily, needing shifting again.  We didn't go in any further.

Next we rapidly dispatched every inch of available passage in Ogof Clogwyn. [Nice shelving! :-)]
Finally we motored along the rifty passage in Shakespeare's Cave and got soaked to the skin in the (remarkably cold) ducks up as far as the sump.

Present: MRo & CWe

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