
Saturday 12 August 2006

Brickworks Dig, Penwyllt, South Wales

Weekend 12/13th August We now have 150, 13" x 30" sand bags - each one holds more than a bucket full. On Saturday we filled 100 bags (approx. 120 buckets) and stacked them at the bottom of the main railway track. With only 4 people we had to initially stack the bags in the cross-rift and then move positions to get them to the bottom of the entrance passage. On Sunday we pulled 80 bags out to surface before the front wheels of the main dig truck were worn so badly that they splayed out and came off the railway track. We took both trucks back to the workshop and swapped two wheels between the trucks. We were then able to drag out the remaining 20 bags. After this we filled another 50 bags and stacked them in the cross-rift. Over the course of the weekend we added approx. 10 feet to the system. Near the dig face we have lost the roof again, but we think that at the dig face we may have got the roof back. Also on the left there may be a side passage.

Keith Edwards with the stacked sand bags at the cross rift.

Keith Edwards below the cross rift.

The Dig Team:  JDu (Sat and Sun morning only), KEd, CJe (Sun only), BMa and DRo

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