
Saturday 5 January 2008

Eldon Hole Derbyshire

Having been to Eldon before and not actually getting up in to Miller's Chamber I decided it was time I actually did it. So the team (all except Chris who couldn't make it due to car trouble) meet up at Morrison's in Buxton before setting off to the cave. Now I had decided to do the rigging on the West Wall which gave a virtually straight drop, but when I got to the first 'P' bolt I looked down and thought "Oh dear. That's a long way down. What am I doing this for? I hate heights!" When you go into the Main Chamber there is a pull through system to get your own rope up the pitch. Miller's Chamber is a well decorated chamber with a plaque saying "George Cooper" on the wall. 

The Team: AnCr, AnGr & MeWa

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