
Saturday 2 February 2008

Hagg Gill

After meeting up in Hawes to taste and buy cheese at the Wensleydale Creamery, we soon found ourselves wandering around the hillside trying to find the cave. Three hours later, after the obligatory snowball and icicle fight, we had given up finding the entrance when Em suddenly spotted the top of a scaffold bar just poking out of the snow. With time no longer on our side, we had a very short trip and headed along the passage to Straw Chamber. Dea and then Heather ascended the ladders first and they dashed back to the cars to get changed and put the heaters on. Brendan and Jess got up to some antics on the ladder, with Em out last, greeted by a snowball. The roads were interesting on the way back to Hawes, especially when Dea's car skidded backwards as we tried to climb a hill! We eventually arrived back to the Craven hut safely and made it in time for our table booking for a curry. 

Jessica in Hagg Gill.

Jessica in Hagg Gill.

The Team: EmPo, JeHA, BrMa, HeSi & DeWi

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