
Saturday 30 August 2008

Through Trips - OFD1 to Cwm Dwr and Cwm Dwr to OFD1, Penwyllt, South Wales

Last minute and hastily arranged, this trip as one of those where from no one wanting to go caving to having almost too many bodies seemed to happen in a matter of minutes. With eight people the only logical thing to do was to split into two parties and do the same trip in reverse directions. We met up underground at the letterbox.

Wal watches Rachel as she posts herself into the Letterbox.

Wal viewing formations in Cwm Dwr Jama.

Wal viewing formations in OFD 1.

Rachel viewing a false calcite floor in OFD 1.

See more OFD1 photos here 

See more Cwm Dwr photos here 

The Teams: 
OFD 1 to Cwm Dwr: KeEd, HeSi & ChWe + Evan from NWCC 
Cwm Dwr to OFD 1: BrMa & StWa + Rachael & Richard from WMCEG

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