
Saturday, 30 January 2010

Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1 Round Trip

The Club South Wales weekend was planned to allow some work to be carried out on the Brickworks Dig and to also look at another dig site near the Cwm Dwr Quarry. The newly constructed dig truck was perfectly made for the rail track and so it was decided not to relay the track as had originally been planned. The surface dig in the shakehole proved to be more of an engineering task than had been anticipated and with the bitter cold it was decided to take the new members for a round trip into OFD 1 during the afternoon. Three parties set off with video and photos being taken on one route and the other party doing the round trip in reverse. On the way in a detour was taken up to Column passage where some photos were taken with the rest of the trip concentrating on taking video with Keith's ever so powerful X21 900 Lumen Torch. The best entertainment of the day was the attempts at Lowe's Climb with Ed providing a classic moment on video has he peeled off the climb This was superceeded by Wal in the other direction as he descended rather quicker than he had anticipated.

Chris Webb in Column Passage

Cara Alison in Column Passage

Ed Pain in Column Passage

Andrew Cross on the Column Passage Climb

Chris Webb on the Column Passage Climb

Present : John Smith, Graham Smith, Noel, Holly, Steve Wallis, Mel Wakeman, Keith Edwards, Andy Grimes, Derek Robertson, Chris Webb, Ed Pain, Cara Allison, Andrew Cross, Brendan Marris

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