
Sunday 26 March 2006

OFD2, Penwyllt, South Wales

This was to have been a digging day, but the weather decided that this was not to be so - see dig page.  Adrian, Graham and John left to browse the bookshops in Hay on Wye and Brendan and Keith would have liked to have joined them, but the new boy pleaded with us to take him caving so a short trip in top entrance was hastily arranged.  The route included Big ChamberBagpipe ChamberArête ChamberEdwards Short CutFrozen River,Shatter PillarSelenite TunnelThe Trident and Judge.

Chris Webb in Bagpipe Chamber.

Chris Webb at the Frozen River.

See more OFD II photos here

Present: KEd, BMa & CWe

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