
Friday 22 April 2011

Ireby Fell

A long weekend trip to Yorkshire for some, and a shorter one for others over the Easter Weekend. We confronted all of our worst fears, going north, caving on rope and worst of all camping. Friday was started in Bernies with obligatory breakfast before the drive to Masongill and the walk up the hill to Ireby Fell. A little faffing and short nap was taken in the shakehole before the descent down Ding, Dong, Bell, Pussy and Well pitches all rigged by Rachel, left the final rope descent to the lower streamway and the horizontal section of the cave. While in the cave Richard sussed out the connections to Ireby II for a future visit to complete the round trip.
Following the trip we headed off to the campsite, while Keith left a trail of dust behind his car as he sped off in the opposite direction to the M6. Saturday was a short trip into Marble Steps and then a walk along the top of Kingsdale to Large Pot, Swinsto, Simpsons, Rowten and Jingling pots. 

Rachel and Richard preparing to descend
Brendan - not really in the mood for an SRT trip


Present: Brendan Marris, Rachel Dearden, Richard Dearden, and Keith Edwards (not a happy camper)

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