
Saturday 5 November 2011

OFD - Towards Top Waterfall

With the weather looking very poor in the South West, Keith decided to take James and Chloe on their introductory caving trip with the club to South Wales and OFD. A little rain had fallen in the week, but the day was glorious and so we headed up to the Top Entrance to OFD and then on to the streamway. The plan was to head upstream to Top Waterfall and then return along some of the trade routes. The journey in was a little slower than planned and after climbing down Maypole Inlet we headed downstream for a short distance to visit the impressive cascades in the streamway.

James at a pot in the OFD Streamway

Chloe at a pot in the OFD Streamway

We turned around and made our way against the flow of the peaty coloured water towards our goal for the day. After reaching the oxbow in the streamway we decided that it would be better to return than carry on to Top Waterfall, as we were in danger of exceeding our call out time.

Chloe at a cascade in the OFD Streamway

See more photos of OFD 2 here

Present: Keith Edwards, Chloe Burney, James Charlick and Brendan Marris

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