
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Maskhill Mine

This trip was 2 years in the planning.  A Maskhill/Oxlow exchange trip was the proposed Christmas trip for 2009, but on arriving in Buxton it started to snow heavily and we only just managed to escape home before the roads became impassible.
This time 10 members, or was it 11, signed up for the experience, but on the day the excuses came thick and fast and no better excuses had been heard since the infamous Jim Durr came up with the, "I can't go caving because I have to hang up a plate rack", excuse.  So the 10, or was it 11, became a mere 5.  The exchange was abandoned and the Maskhill only trip was agreed.
The videos tell the story.

Video Trailer

The Complete Video

The Team: Mark Burkey, Keith Edwards, Jessica Harding, Graham Smith and Steve Wallis.

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