
Thursday 21 March 2013

Electronic T Card System

The electronic system running on a laptop computer powered
from the vehicles auxiliary power socket.

I think that I have now completed all of the development work for the first release (beta) version.
I've created a website using my personal web space at where I've made the system available as a 60 day time limited download.
The latest enhancements are:

  1. I've added another box to the status screen - number stood down. The background to this turns green when this equals the number deployed.
  2. A secure front end has been added. Users enter their team name which then saves the workbook branded to the team. The system will then work for 60 days. After this it needs to be registered to unlock it.
  3. Instructions for importing team members and equipment are included.
  4. The incident log is now locked down so that entries cannot be tampered with.
If you have a few minutes feel free to have a play with it and let me know if you manage to break it.

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