
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Swinsto - Hanging About in Yorkshire

5.15: My alarm goes off.
6.15: I set off up the M6 in the car.
7.00: I meet Chloe at J16.
8.50: We arrive at Ingleton and order breakfast at the Inglesport Cafe.
9.15: Ben, Brendan, Carl, Grant and Mark stroll in. I could have stayed in bed another 25 minutes.
10.30: After faffing about in Inglesport and asking for directions to the cave we leave Inglesport.
10.45: Chloe and Keith arrive at the cave.
11.00: The rest arrive. I could have stayed in bed another 40 minutes.
11.20: Ben, Carl and Grant set off to rig Valley Entrance. I could have stayed in bed another hour.
11.35: Ben, Carl and Grant enter the cave after bragging to a group of tourists about their caving prowess.
12.05: Ben, Carl and Grant come back out after failing to rig the pitch. I've lost count of how much longer I could have stayed in bed.
12.20: We set off up the hill to try and find the Swinsto entrance. Thanks to Brendan's GPS this proves to be easy.
12.30: I stop for a rest.
12.40: I stop for a rest.
12.50: I stop for a rest. All I can hear is a trip hammer going off inside the top of my skull.
13.00: We enter the system.
16.45: Ben and Grant disappear at the bottom of the final pitch.
17.05: After a 20 minute search for them we make our way out of the system – expecting all of the time that we will have to go back in and find them.
17.30: We exit from Valley Entrance to find Ben and Grant sunning themselves. Carl goes ballistic.
21.30: Normal communications is restored amongst the group.


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