
Sunday, 30 June 2013

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

A trip to the Far North of Dan Yr Ogof is one finest caving trips you can take. Almost all visitors will take the Left Hand Series following the massive passages to visit the Far North Chokes at the end. In doing this the smaller sized passages of the Right Hand Series are missed which take the cave further north that the other branch. We decided on this trip to make our target the end of the passages on the Right Hand Series and ignore the larger passages on the standard route. Knowing that the passages in our target area were smaller than those of the other branch we took a lightweight (1 Pelicase) camera kit with us. Starting into the cave at 8.30am we made good time to the Starting Gate, the point where the two route diverge. We followed the water coming from the Right Hand branch and soon following a much smaller passage, crawling over fallen blocks. The passage was mostly low with a section of flat out crawling before the stream was regained and we crawled along a small tube over the stream in a rift. After 150m of mixed caving we broke out into a larger stream passage which was quite pleasant for 100m or so. Ice Cream Aven was explored on the left while stream inlets were followed on both sides until they choked or emerged from avens. A climb up and a traverse led to the final section of this branch of the cave where a hole in the floor of a chamber led to a large passage with sand chokes at the lower end and a boulder choke upstream.

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Jess viewing formations in the Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Jess viewing formations in the Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Mark viewing formations in the Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Mark viewing formations in the Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Jess viewing formations in the Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof
Jess in Ice Cream Aven - Right Hand Series - Dan Yr Ogof

Back at the car park after 12 hours underground we were eaten alive by the midges.

Present: Brendan Marris, Mark Burkey, Jessica Harding and Richard Frost

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