
Sunday 11 August 2013

Dan Yr Ogof Round Trip

Dan Yr Ogof Round Trip

Chloe had been dying to get in to Dan Yr Ogof ever since she’d discovered a love for water in White Scar on our Yorkshire club outing, so when Brendan suggested it as an option for Sunday she jumped at the chance. Jess and I needed one more trip to cement navigation of some of the main routes and so tagged along as model and lighting donkey respectively.
Jess took the lead and did a sterling job leading through the lakes, a short stop in to take a look at the impressive Straw chamber before shuffling our way through the Long Crawl. After traversing around the Chrystal Pool we popped up to Flabbergasm Oxbow where Chloe and Jess had a little fun with the slippery slope. On we trekked through the Grand Canyon and Monk Hall before spending some time taking in the beauty of Cloud Chamber.
Next up was probably Chloe’s favourite, the Green Canal. Donning a jacket and ring she was soon in her element sploshing along through the canal with us trying to keep up. We took a quick detour to The Rising and paused for a few pictures on the return before making our way down The Abyss and under the Camels Hump. We were soon making our way through the impressively formed Bakerloo Straight, past the Washing Machine and retraced our steps through the long crawl and out. A fantastic cave which Jess managed to navigate without issue and a great way to finish the weekend!

Jess in Go Faster Passage     
Jess just past Go Slower Passage
Present: Mark Burkey, Jessica Harding, Chloe Burney & Brendan Marris

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