
Saturday 31 January 2015

A Pretty Good Trip In OFD Top

After the appropriate amount of faff around the teapot our group headed up to top entrance and made our way in via the normal route to Salubrious. Here we went right before the Crossroads toward the climb up to Peter’s Pretty Passage. I was so busy explaining the route to Daz that I missed it completely and had to be called back by Keith! After rigging a hand line, which is only of use for the first twelve feet before becoming more of a hindrance, Becca and Daz followed me up. Chloe spent some time on the slippery climb before joining us and then Keith followed. We spent a little time taking some photographs of the passage and helictites before negotiating the tricky climb down to the end of Edwards Shortcut and entering the Northern Canyon. The route through with its various awkward climbs proved no problem and we were soon entering the Labyrinth. Again we had surprisingly little navigational issues as we made our way back to Salubrious and up the corkscrew where we joined the other group by the Wedding Cake formation before heading out for a pot of tea and hot showers.

Daz in Peter's Pretty Passage

Keith in Peter's Pretty Passage

 Present: Chloe Burney, Becca Kirkpatrick, Daz Long, Keith Edwards & Mark Burkey.

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