
Saturday 13 June 2015

Croesor Rhosydd Through Trip.....Mining Heaven.....Batteries not included

As is now our annual tradition Jess and I arranged to take Chloe on a birthday adventure. An email was sent out to see if anyone else fancied a play in North Wales and Mark B...U...R...G decided to join us.
 We met at the car park above Tanygrisiau and were soon surrounded by 20 familiar faces from South Wales Caving Club who were off to Cwmorthin Slate Mine.
We had a quick chat, with Mark2 giving some route advice, before we kitted up and headed up the valley.

 After some huffing and puffing we arrived at the Croesor entrance and took a minute to pop SRT kits on. At this point I realised I'd left my gloves back at the van, If only this turned out to be my only faux pas of the day.
After an amble down the entrance series I began positioning my 5 flash guns for the first of many exciting shots of this fun through trip.... 'Click!'... I got a feel for how I would take my shot so called Jess to hold a flash gun.....after this my camera refused to play and upon closer investigation it turned out I hadn't charged the batteries....Doh! 

We continued down the first abseil and on to the 2nd. Here the in-situ rope looked rather glazed and so we decided to use the rope Mark2 had hauled up the hill and set a pull through, but upon trying to pull the rope through it snagged on the in-situ line and I had to prussic back up to free it (fortunately this was my 3rd thing to go wrong and so the circle of bad luck was complete)

 The rest of the trip went without issue with lots of fun had at the various zip wire, bridges, traverses and boat rides. An excellent choice for a birthday trip and definitely a piece of mining heaven.

Present: Mark Burgess, Chloe Burney, Mark Burkey & Jess Burkey

1 comment:

  1. After some huffing and puffing we arrived at the Croesor entrance and took a minute to pop SRT kits on. At this point I realised I'd left my gloves back at the van, If only this turned out to be my only faux pas of the day. clock batteries
