
Friday 3 June 2016

Mendips Photography Competition 2016

After having my photographs lost for a couple of weeks I was starting to wonder if they'd turn up at all.
Fortunately they did and with the help of Dudley members we managed to get a few shots that won the competition for a 2nd year running with a triptych of shots.

Equally deserved shots came from Stuart Gardener awarded runner up with a great shot of Lucy Greenwood at the old 40 in Swildons and then Dave Watts took 3rd with a shot from Withyhill.

Nervous to be in front of the camera I found courage in the free wine provided and continued in the same vein at the Hunters Inn later that evening as Jess and I met up with others for the beginning of a great weekend celebrating Digest.

The winning images:

Jess at the Swildons 20ft pitch

Marc in GB main passage
Martin Grass at Pulpit Pitch. St Cutherberts Swallet

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