
Monday 11 December 2023

Into the Labyrinth

Loz requested a route-finding trip in OFD 2. She wanted to explore the passages on the far side of Big Chamber, so that's what we did.

OFD 2 - The Labyrinth Area

From Big Chamber we followed the traverses and then turned left to make for Cairn Chamber. From here we found our way to the Columns Gate.

It was then time to explore the Labyrinth! After a couple of wrong turns we found our way to the bottom of Arete Chamber. It was then back into the Labyrinth to find the route to Salubrious Streamway which we did with only one wrong turning.

Loz then requested that we visit White Arch Chamber. From Gnome Passage we headed for Speedy Caver and then into White Arch Chamber.

Loz and Mel in White Arch Chamber

From here we took the exit to White Arch and then back out.

The Entrance Passage

Cavers: Keith, Loz & Mel

Trip report: Keith

Photos: Keith

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