Monday 6 May 2024

Jingling Pot

The final trip of the Yorkshire club weekend was Jingling Pot. On the team this time were Paulina, Bartek, Dino, Roo, Dave and myself. After two days of caving the steep slog up to the pot seemed excessive, but it was interesting, as we quickly detoured to see Rowten and also had a quick look at the entrance shaft to Aquamole.

Dave was trainee rigger (under Bartek’s watchful supervision). While he was rigging the traverse to the Lateral Cleft Route, Dino sorted the Direct Descent, providing a nice round trip. This was great SRT practice, providing ample opportunity to have a go at a traverse, as well as some rebelays, deviations, and a good long prussik back up the main shaft.

Bartek choose to poke his nose into the dig after descending the rift at the bottom of main shaft. After going for a little way, he found himself under a very large block held up by very rotten timbers, and therefore beat a very sensible retreat.
I also had the opportunity to take part in my first cave rescue. The casualty was a very skinny frog who I hope appreciated the lift he was given up the main shaft to a nice pool; what's more, he was even brought dinner in the shape of a nice fat slug. After this rescue, we attempted to rescue Bartek and Paulina’s Volvo after it slid down a muddy bank when Bartek reversed onto the road. While our little Panda valiantly stopped it sliding any further, there was no way Bartek could reverse off, necessitating a call to a caver friend with a large 4x4. Overall, this was the end to a fantastic weekend, and I'm looking forward to another Yorkshire adventure soon.

Cavers: Paulina, Bartek, Dino, Roo, Dave & Anne
Trip Report: Anne Bell
Photo: Bartek

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