Sunday 9 June 2024

OFD 2 Again By George!

The old pensioner got dragged out of retirement again to take new member George on his first caving trip. 

We visited the Bedding Chambers first,

The Mini Columns

and then headed for Salubrious streamway

At the bottom of the streamway

to visit The Trident and The Judge.

The Trident

The Judge

After a short excursion to see Swamp Creek and The Nave, we then headed for the Crossroads.

The Crossroads

Our next destination was Maypole Inlet to show George the climb down to the Main Streamway. This was followed by Cross Rift, Shatter Pillar and then Selenite Tunnel.

Selenite Tunnel

Our final destination was President's Leap before the Old Git decided that he'd run out of steam. We headed out but the Old Git couldn't resist a quiet visit to the Club Dig on the way back to the hut. The water level was surprisingly low so we were able to get almost to the dig face.

Cavers: Keith Edwards & George Tolley

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