
Thursday 28 December 2006

Iles Inlet, Agen Allwedd, Llangattock Escarpment, South Wales

The return trip to retrieve the camera and take photographs of the formations in Iles Inlet and here is a taster of what we found.

Chris viewing the Courtesan formation in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

Keith viewing the Courtesan formation in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

The Courtesan formation in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

Keith viewing formations in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

Formations in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

Formations in Corkscrew Chamber - Iles Inlet.

This time the trip took ten and three quarter hours! 

See more Agen Allwedd photos here 

The Team: AnCr, KeEd, BrMa & ChWe

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