
Saturday 30 December 2006

Ogof Pen Eryr, Llangattock Escarpment, South Wales

This had been arranged for some time as a Christmas trip for some of the newer members of the Club and the chosen cave was Craig A Ffynonn, but extremely wet weather on the day meant that we had to look for an alternative. We spent a highly amusing few minutes listening to Andy unsuccessfully trying to lead through the corkscrew squeeze before being shown the correct way to do it by Mel. Afterwards several members of the team spent a few minutes proving that it is possible to turn round within the few few metres of the Daren Cilau entrance crawl.

Chris negotiating the calcite corkscrew squeeze in Pen Eryr.

See more Ogof Pen Eryr photos here 

The Team: KeEd, AnGr, BrMa, CaNo, MaRo, MeWa & ChWe

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