
Sunday 14 January 2007

Snailbeach Lead Mine, near Minsterley, Shropshire

A pleasant exchange trip via the Classic and Scenic routes, after a BCA Council meeting the previous day for some members of the party. A great place for training novices Dea and Steve on SRT, who both did really well. A trip to the Stiperstones pub rounded the day off with its excellent beer, food, tea and biscuits! Thanks to SCMC.

Mike Noble on the way back up.

The Dudley Team: PeAn, MiCl, KeEd, BrMa, MiNo, EmPo, GrSm, StWa & DeWi 
The Shropshire CMC Team: Steve Holding, Andrew Wood 
From SWCC: Idris Williams 
From Wessex CC: Dave Cooke, Les Williams

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