
Monday 26 May 2008

Ogof Draenen, Dollimore Series

The plan was to go almost to the end of the cave and visit the Geryon. A mega stomp followed to the Dollimore Series with a couple of small detours where my memory had failed, and a brief stop to photograph the Snowball (now moved!). We followed the main passage to the left once in MSAD to photograph the snowy Christmas Tree thingy at the end and then retraced our steps to find Luck of the Draw. This was a fairly pleasant passage with lots of pretties. We found Medusas Children and then we began to make our way out, it was now nearly 6:00pm. We had failed to get to the Geryon, but it could have only been 20 minutes away. A steady pace was made on the way out and we were in the entrance series for about 10.30. Water was oinking down the entrance, but we made it out fine and just got to the Indian in Abergavenny before it closed.

Jessica views the Snowy Christmas Tree formation.

Rachel views the Medusa's Children formation.

Richard proposes to Rachel at Medusa's Children.

See more Ogof Draenen photos here 

The Team: JeHa, BrMa, ChWe + Rachael and Richard from WMCEG

Saturday 17 May 2008

Giants Hole, Derbyshire

We went to Giants with two tackle bags full of rope and SRT kit. As we approached Geology Pot some kind person had left the traverse and Geology Pot rigged, but not trusting their rigging we rigged our own. Not long after Geology Pot is a small climb followed by what's called the Duck and when we came in it was raining so we decided not to carry on any further and decided to leave. For a change we went out up the Crabwalk. Carrying bags full of heavy wet rope is not much fun when every two minutes they get stuck, mine even managed to get wedged in the Vice. Even Mel started to moan she has had enough, and that's never happened before, so you can guess how relieved we where to be back at Garlands Pot and almost out. 

The Team: AnGr & MeWa

Sunday 11 May 2008

Dan Yr Ogof, Swansea Valley, South Wales, Mazeways

We took advantage of the low water conditions and visited Mazeways.

Wal in a small phreatic passage in Mazeways.

Wal in a small phreatic passage in Mazeways.

See more Dan yr Ogof photos here 

Team: KeEd, BrMa & StWa

Saturday 10 May 2008

Dan Yr Ogof, Swansea Valley, South Wales, The Dive Trip

Two weeks before I had lost my car key and a couple of full SRT kits at the bottom of 18m deep Lake 8. In order to attempt to retrieve the missing equipment I managed to acquire the services of a caver diver and a support team of four. We had to carry all of the diving equipment (two 11kg cylinders, dry suit, fins, regulators, valves, dive computer, mask, lead weights, dive lights and flippers) into the cave - through the lakes, through the long crawl, down a ladder and to the dive sight. The dive was successful and most of the tackle seems none the worse for its two weeks in cold storage. However the flap jack was a little worse for wear. It had been converted into porridge.

Wal ferries a diving cylinder through the Long Crawl.

Colin goes diving in Lake 8 for Keith's keys.

Keith is reunited with his bag.

See more Dan Yr Ogof photos here 

Team: KeEd, BrMa, ChWe & StWa + Colin (the diver) from WMCEG

Monday 5 May 2008

Dan Yr Ogof, Swansea Valley, South Wales

As we had not planned to go in DYO we did not have wetsuits, so we did some photos in Wigmore Hall. We then went to the start of the Green Canal, took Elliptic Passage down into the Lower Series before making our way out.

Helen viewing formations in Wigmore Hall.

Helen viewing formations in Wigmore Hall.

Jessica at the climb up after the lakes.

See more Dan Yr Ogof photos here 

The Team: JeHa, BrMa & Helen