
Monday 26 May 2008

Ogof Draenen, Dollimore Series

The plan was to go almost to the end of the cave and visit the Geryon. A mega stomp followed to the Dollimore Series with a couple of small detours where my memory had failed, and a brief stop to photograph the Snowball (now moved!). We followed the main passage to the left once in MSAD to photograph the snowy Christmas Tree thingy at the end and then retraced our steps to find Luck of the Draw. This was a fairly pleasant passage with lots of pretties. We found Medusas Children and then we began to make our way out, it was now nearly 6:00pm. We had failed to get to the Geryon, but it could have only been 20 minutes away. A steady pace was made on the way out and we were in the entrance series for about 10.30. Water was oinking down the entrance, but we made it out fine and just got to the Indian in Abergavenny before it closed.

Jessica views the Snowy Christmas Tree formation.

Rachel views the Medusa's Children formation.

Richard proposes to Rachel at Medusa's Children.

See more Ogof Draenen photos here 

The Team: JeHa, BrMa, ChWe + Rachael and Richard from WMCEG

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