
Saturday 17 May 2008

Giants Hole, Derbyshire

We went to Giants with two tackle bags full of rope and SRT kit. As we approached Geology Pot some kind person had left the traverse and Geology Pot rigged, but not trusting their rigging we rigged our own. Not long after Geology Pot is a small climb followed by what's called the Duck and when we came in it was raining so we decided not to carry on any further and decided to leave. For a change we went out up the Crabwalk. Carrying bags full of heavy wet rope is not much fun when every two minutes they get stuck, mine even managed to get wedged in the Vice. Even Mel started to moan she has had enough, and that's never happened before, so you can guess how relieved we where to be back at Garlands Pot and almost out. 

The Team: AnGr & MeWa

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