Sunday 29 June 2003

OFD 2, Penwyllt, South Wales

We went looking for the Northern Lights again.
Spent a long time climbing up something marked on the survey as Very Dangerous Loose Boulders (and nobody was killed).
Many times we thought we were on the right track but every passage closed down, but we think we eventually found our way into 
Lavender Way, the route into the Northern Lights.
Horrible, Tight, Wet and Muddy.

Stuart in Selenite Tunnel.

Present:  SB, JC & BM

Sunday 22 June 2003

Eldon Hole, Derbyshire

A 'tasty' SRT trip, arranged for Pete and Andy.  Two routes were rigged - South Gulley and West Wall.  Keith and Graham ascended the first pitch in the inner chamber.

Graham Smith descending the main shaft.

Keith Edwards rigging the South Gully.

Graham Smith in the Main Chamber.

Present:  PA, MB, JD, KE, AG, BM & GS

Sunday 8 June 2003

Brickworks Dig, Penwyllt, South Wales

The original route into the system has now be re-opened. One more dig weekend should see us making progress at the dig face.

Present: KE, BM, JS & AS

Saturday 7 June 2003

OFD 2, Penwyllt, South Wales

A trip to the Upper Oxbow series via the Midnight Passage traverses and out via the Skyhook.  Mr. M. particularly enjoyed the experience of caving at height.
Adrian Stanley in the Upper Oxbow.
John Smith in the Upper Oxbow.
Adrian Stanley in the Upper Oxbow.
Keith Edwards in the Upper Oxbow.
Present:  KE, BM, JS & AS

Sunday 1 June 2003

Maskill Mine, Derbyshire

A trip to the top of the final pitch. On the way out Brendan learned the intricacies of de-rigging - the hard way!

........Thump ........Thump
........Thump ........Thud!

Dave Barrie at the head of the Third Pitch.

Present:  JD & BM + ex-member Dave Barrie