Sunday 25 March 2007

Lower Pendulum Passage, OFD II, Penwyllt, South Wales

Derek Robertson viewing helictites in lower Pendulum Passage.

Derek Robertson viewing helictites in lower Pendulum Passage.

See more OFD 2 photos here

The Team: BrMa & DeRo

Saturday 24 March 2007

Brickworks Dig, Penwyllt, South Wales

The smallest dig team ever (KeEd, BrMa & DeRo) cleared out the infill which had slumped in from the cross-rift over the Winter, installed conveyer belt in the main dig passage, surveyed the system down the the cross-rift and broke through into approximately 15 feet of virgin passage!  Details on the dig page.

The Team:  KeEd, BrMa & DeRo

Saturday 17 March 2007

The Outdoor Show, NEC

Four club members and one squeeze box attended the Outdoor Show at the NEC to help on the BCA stand, manning the artificial cave. The cave was a great attraction along with the squeeze box. Saturday saw hundreds of people try caving - indoors! The squeeze box was a great advert for the Club thanks to Dea's artwork. 

The Team: MiCl, EmPo, DeWi, CaNo

Saturday 10 March 2007

Upper Smithy, Cwm Dwr, Penwyllt, South Wales

A trip to complete the passages in the Upper Smithy - last visited in September 2005. After this we went to look at the passages at the top of the maypole in Nether Rawl - an area that the club dig is heading towards. The trip involved covering a large portion of Cwm Dwr and took almost 8 hours.

Derek Robertson in the Upper Smithy.

Derek Robertson in the Upper Smithy.

Keith Edwards in the Upper Smithy.

Derek Robertson in the Upper Smithy.

See more Cwm Dwr photos here

The Team: KeEd, CoJe, BrMa, DeRo & MaRo

Oxlow Caverns, Near Castleton, Derbyshire

This was the third attempt to bottom Oxlow for Peter and myself, so this time we took extra people to ease the burden of carrying the tackle, and slow but steady progress was made down to West Chamber where the decision was made to start our way back out with only a few members entering Waterfall Chamber. Exiting took longer than expected as we had to wait for another party to leave, unfortunately one of their members had became wedged in the entrance shaft (tackle bag on his back). 

The Team : PeAn, AnCr, AnGr, MiNo, MeWa & StWa

Friday 9 March 2007

Rjuken, Norway

9-12 March 2007 

A weekend trip to the Norwegian town of Rjukan, famous for its "heavy water" and frozen waterfalls for three days of ice climbing. 

The Team: MiCl, EmPo, Joyce and Tony Harrison (Cleveland Mountaineering Club)

Sunday 4 March 2007

GCRG rescue practice - Pancake Mines, Doward

After a very wet start above ground, we spent several hours practising stretcher packaging and handling in the Pancake Mines. A very useful training exercise and particularly good practice for Dea and Wal.

The Team: MiCl, EmPo, StWa & DeW