Sunday 6 January 2013

SRT Training Day

Mike kindly arranged for the use of the training facilities at Total Access so that Dudley cavers of all abilities could learn and practice SRT skills. A good mix of us turned up, ranging from those trying out their shiny new Christmas presents, to those who had to scrape the rust off their kit before putting it on.

While Mike and Emma helped the less experienced ones to master the basic SRT skills, Bartek set up various problems for the more experienced to overcome, such as passing knots and awkward traverses, and we also got to practice some rescue scenarios.


By the end of the day everyone was zipping up and down the ropes like ferrets up a trouser-leg. It was a fantastic opportunity to practice SRT in the (fairly) warm and dry and everyone now seems really keen to put new skills to use in the next cave!

Those present: Mike Clayton, Emma Porter, Bartek Biela, Paulina Biela, Dominik Mokrzecki (and wife), Richard (and wife), Jeremy,  Chloe Burney, Graham Smith, John Smith, Adrian Stanley, Dea Wilkins, Ian Millward, Phil Lester, Mark Burkey, Jessica Harding

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