Saturday, 18 January 2025

Upper Oxbow

For The Dudley’s first official meet of 2025, we decided on a trip that was not too taxing and which took us to a beautiful section of OFD: the Upper Oxbow Series, via the Skyhook Pitch. Bartek, Paulina, Mark, Jess, Jonny, Phoebe, Anne and myself all duly arrived at Penwyllt, and after the necessary chat and kitting up we trudged up the hill to Top Entrance.

The first challenge of the day was getting into the cave. Our key wouldn't work, and muggins (read Dave) was sent back down the hill to find someone to help. In the end another party going into Top Entrance opened the gate for us, but not without equal difficulty getting their key to work. Fortunately, we could relay these difficulties to someone from SWCC so the issue with the padlock could be resolved.

Finally into Top Entrance, we split into two parties, with Bartek, Mark, Jess and Jonny going to the Skyhook Pitch via Edwards’ Shortcut, and Paulina, Phoebe, Anne and myself going via Salubrious Streamway and President’s Leap. Arriving at the Skyhook first, the President’s Leap party found it pre-rigged and wasted no time kitting up and prussiking up the rope. Before long we heard the second party arrive at the base of the pitch, and we made our way through the first part of the series, with its impressive formations and extremely beautiful crystal pool.

Thereafter followed a fun - albeit slightly strenuous - rift. Traversing through this, we reached the pitches down to Splash Inlet, but given time and the plan to take photos we didn't drop these. Instead we wriggled into a couple of small chambers adorned with a beautiful array of formations. Here Mark and Bartek put their photography skills to good use. Mark also showed Dave the start of the connection to the Midnight Traverses; something to revisit at a later date (whilst wearing extra-absorbent big boy caver pants!).

The journey out was just as fun, although by the time Anne had reversed the rift, trudged up Midnight Passage and Salubrious Streamway, and climbed the slope up to and through the Corkscrew, she was struggling with reflux and being out of puff. As Mark had commented: is caving really suitable for someone who's seven months pregnant!? I reckon she has at least one trip left in her…

Overall, this was a thoroughly enjoyable trip to a very beautiful part of the cave. Some of the best bits remain to be explored (the route via the Midnight Traverses and the pitches down to Splash Inlet), so the Dudley can look forward to a return trip sometime in the future.
Cavers: Mark, Jess, Paulina, Bartek, Johnny, Phoebe, Dave & Anne
Trip Report: Dave
Photos: Mark

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